Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Night Post 1

The barracks at Buchenwald.
Roundup of Jews in the Warsaw ghetto (1943)

These images of the Holocaust both have haunting qualities that are sure to leave you questioning the experiences of the people portrayed.
In your first blog post on Night, you will be choosing ONE of the pictures above, and telling the story of one of the people pictured. This is a creative writing assignment! I don't want to read the words "In this picture, I see..." in any of your responses.
Choose a point of view from which to tell the story. You might choose to tell the story in the first person (or "I") point of view.
Here is an example of what that would sound like:
I can't stand lying in the bunk any longer. Sleeping on a piece of ply wood with no fat left to serve as a pillow, I decide to get up. I am so hungry. Breakfast was so long ago: half a cup of weak tea and a crust of dry bread...
If you choose the third person (or "he/she") point of view, you would write about a person in the picture from another person's perspective. Here is an example of what that would sound like:
He raised his hands over his head, this small boy of the ghetto. He couldn't have been more than five. He made me think of my brother's boy, Paul. I bet these two would play together in the schoolyard, if life were normal, if these soldiers were not around every corner...
The idea is to be CREATIVE. Do not, DO NOT just tell me about what you see in the picture. Instead, tell me a story.
This is a 30 point test grade. Today is your only day in class to work on the assignment, but you may finish it tonight for homework. I will be checking your blog tomorrow for your completed entry; be sure to have your response posted by then.
Enjoy the experience!
Ms. Paulson

Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Outsiders final essay post

Please read the following prompt thoroughly and be sure to respond to all of the questions asked of you. Please respond to this question using the same short essay format we used for the Night John essay. Your response should include a topic sentence, at least three supporting details, and a concluding sentence. This essay should be proofread and spell checked before you post! Please be sure to include specific examples from the text. Show me that you read. Remember this is part of your test. Take this assignment seriously; it is worth 30 points of your test!

"Sixteen years on the streets and you can learn a lot. But all the wrong things, not the things you want to learn" (p. 122). Discuss this quote from the novel and how it applies to one of the greaser's lives. What things did he learn? What things might he have liked to learn? Support your ideas with what you know about the character through examples from the novel.

Good luck,

Ms. Paulson

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Outsiders Post 2

Write the obituary for Johnny Cade or Dallas (Dally) Winston.

If you don't know what an obituary is, look it up in the dictionary!!

Be creative. Include as much information as you know about the character you choose.


Ms. Paulson

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Outsiders post 1

Here is your first assignment!! Be sure to answer all of the questions! Be creative~ Enjoy!!

The Greasers think of themselves as a family. Who do you consider family? What qualities make up your family? Do you consider only your relatives to be family? If not who else would you include? Do you think the Greasers are family? Why or why not? What qualities do the Greasers have that make them (or don't make them) family?

Happy Posting,
Ms. Paulson

Monday, October 8, 2007

Welcome 9G Students!

Welcome to your brand new, never before used blog space!! Enjoy this space as a place where you can stay connected to English class. (I know you all miss me once you leave my class!) Remember at the beginning of the year when I was rambling on about communicating with your teacher? Well, here is a space that you can not only connect to me, but you can connect to your classmates as well! Use it! Feel free to engage in discussions about what you are reading. (You may opt for some serious Emily Dickinson bashing). Check here for assignments as well. You may be assigned to post blogs throughout a unit. Part of the assignment may be to respond to a classmate's post. Let's start an online discussion about reading!

Happy posting,
Ms. Paulson